Communication Strategy Development - Strategic Advisory

Since 2011, the ReGen Strategic team has been a proven performer in strategic communications consulting, delivering simple, targeted and effective communication to internal and external audiences.

This is grounded in strong communications strategies, developed in close consultation with our clients, using a framework that starts with a clear purpose – ‘the why’.

ReGen copywriters are skilled at writing engaging, plain English copy that informs, shapes opinion and drives behaviour.

This is delivered through multiple channels, including compelling and beautifully presented publications, websites, video communications and social media content.

Our team of award-winning former journalists and agency public relations professionals work with our clients to develop proactive media strategies, build relationships and shape conversations about the issues that matter.

And, as risks are identified, we work with our clients to develop tools and resources to prevent issues escalating, as well as dealing with crises appropriately and effectively when they do arise.

Developing a Communication Strategy

As a strategic advisory, ReGen Strategic’s communication strategy development process works to fit your organisation’s objectives, resources, timeline and budget, through a collaborative process involving both internal and external engagement. 

Our strategic communications consulting process begins with a desktop review of prior communication activities and tools to date, existing or previous agency public relations strategies, the results of surveys or focus groups, the relevant policy and media landscape and broader external context, as appropriate.

Following the conclusion of this review, ReGen facilitates a ‘why’ workshop with key personnel within your organisation to confirm the purpose and objectives for your communication strategy.

With the objectives of the communication strategy now identified, ReGen provides an option for additional audience research to identify the appropriate channels and develop messaging.

ReGen communication strategies can include narrative development, messaging, media relations, digital media, publications, video communication and events, targeted to both internal and external audiences. They can also include stakeholder engagement activities, such as government relations, investor relations and community engagement. We regularly develop integrated communication and engagement strategies for our clients.

Communication Strategy & Sustainability

Sustainability and ESG can sometimes appear complicated, with any number of ESG topics and acronyms making it difficult for organisations to know where to start. With a heritage in strategic communication, ReGen Strategic is highly skilled in simplifying complex issues and communicating them effectively. We’ll help you bring your internal stakeholders on the sustainability and ESG journey, and keep them engaged.

Avoiding Greenwashing

Growing pressure from investors, consumers, employees and regulators for organisations to disclose their performance on sustainability and ESG topics is now accompanied by growing oversight and scrutiny of the veracity of what organisations say (or don’t say). The risk of receiving a financial penalty from a regulator or being the subject of legal action is growing, along with the associated reputational risk. With in-house technical sustainability and ESG capability, as well as a strong background in agency public relations and communication and engagement strategy, ReGen Strategic is the best placed PR agency in Australia, ready to ensure you avoid the risks of ‘greenwashing’ and take advantage of the opportunities transparency and accuracy provide to build trust with key audiences.

Communication Strategy Development

Communication Strategy

Informed by the above, ReGen serves as your PR agency in Australia and develops a detailed communication strategy, with a five-element framework based on Simon Sinek’s golden circle model.


The purpose and objectives of the communication strategy. Being clear on why you’re investing time and resources will drive the rest of the strategy and provide a benchmark for success.


A detailed map of key audiences, along with key demographics and behavioural traits.  This section also covers the resourcing required for the implementation of the communication strategy, as well as key approval points for communication content in execution.


The approach recommended for achieving our objectives, providing the rationale for why we’ve recommended the activities in the communication strategy and how they will contribute to achieving the objectives.


The specific agency public relations activities to be undertaken, including how the activities will be targeted to different audiences.  Also includes communication channels, key messages and communication tools.


A detailed action plan that aligns with your timeline, resourcing and budget.

Strategic Communication Services

Upon finalisation of the strategy, ReGen supports our clients in implementation, with services including:

  • Media relations
  • Media training
  • Digital and social media
  • Publications and collateral
  • Video production
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Community engagement
  • Investor relations
  • Crisis communication
  • Ongoing strategic advisory and feedback
  • Monthly reporting