ESG Reporting - Sustainability Reports

Looking to do corporate sustainability reporting in Australia? There is a growing expectation from investors, consumers, employees and regulators for organisations to disclose their performance on sustainability and ESG topics, with many organisations now reporting on this annually.

This hunger for sustainability and ESG reporting is accompanied by increasing oversight and scrutiny of the veracity of what organisations say (or don’t say), with the risk of receiving a financial penalty from a regulator or being the subject of legal action growing, along with the associated reputational risk.

With strong in-house technical capabilities in sustainability and ESG, accompanied by years of experience in strategic communication, ReGen Strategic is ideally placed to ensure you meet the sustainability and ESG reporting expectations of your stakeholders. 

We’ll help you avoid the risks of ‘greenwashing’ in corporate sustainability reporting and take advantage of the opportunities transparency and accuracy provide to build trust with your stakeholders.

Grounded in strategy

It is increasingly important for sustainability and ESG reporting to be grounded in robust sustainability strategy, where you can demonstrate you are focusing on the ESG issues most material to your organisation.

This means demonstrating that your focus areas reflect the priorities of your stakeholders, including your shareholders, employees, customers, members, regulators and the communities in which you operate.

Such an approach is designed to create business value over the long term, as well as delivering positive social and environmental impact 

ReGen offers a rigorous sustainability and ESG strategy development process that can set you up for success.  However, it is important to remember that you don’t have to go from zero to 100 in one go.  We’ll help you identify a realistic pathway to build your organisation’s sustainability and ESG maturity over time, with short-, medium- and long-term goals.  And we’ll help you communicate your intentions transparently, building trust with your stakeholders and minimising the risks of greenwashing.

Data collection and management

ReGen partners with third party providers of environmental monitoring and data management systems, to ensure data including greenhouse gas emissions, energy usage and water consumption are collected in a timely and secure manner.

The data is then available for annual reporting alongside social and governance data using globally recognised standards, and in real time for executive, Board, investor and ratings purposes.

Sustainability reports

Globally recognised standards

ReGen personnel have extensive experience and a strong technical understanding of sustainability and ESG reporting standards and frameworks required for sustainability reporting in Australia.  This includes the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Sustainable Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the emerging IFRS standards from the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).  We have also implemented industry-specific standards at the national and international levels.

With years of experience in dealing with government and regulators, we have a strong understanding of local regulatory reporting requirements and the ability to align this with your sustainability reporting efforts.

Telling your sustainability story

When it comes to corporate sustainability reporting in Australia, your ESG data is only part of the story.

Our strategic communicators can bring your ESG data to life, developing a narrative that builds stakeholder awareness and appreciation of your sustainability performance, the challenges you face and your roadmap for improvement.

ReGen produces a comprehensive Australian sustainability report that brings together the outcomes of your materiality assessment, aligns with your ESG strategy and complies with ESG standards and frameworks.

Going beyond meeting sustainability reporting disclosure requirements, the report shares your story in a meaningful way and acts as an effective tool in communicating with your stakeholders.

Ongoing engagement and communication support

In between your annual sustainability reports in Australia, ReGen works with you on an ongoing basis to share your stories and communicate your achievements and challenges through our stakeholder engagement and strategic communication services.