Global outage highlights cyber-security ESG risks


Last week’s global IT outage reminds us why cyber-security should be considered as a material ESG topic.

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Avoiding journalist traps in interviews

Avoiding journalist traps

Protect your organisation from defamation, greenwashing and reputational damage by learning to recognise and avoid media traps.

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Approvals reform essential to energy transition

Wind turbines and solar panels

The proposed reforms to the EPA and environmental approvals will be critical in ensuring the WA Government’s decarbonisation agenda can progress swiftly.

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Harnessing the Power of Human Capital

Human Capital

Learn how to successfully integrate human capital into your sustainability strategy in the latest edition of Materiality Matters.

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Cost confusion hampers nuclear case

Nuclear power costs

The Princeton University study cited by Peter Dutton only sees a potential role for nuclear electricity generation if its cost falls sharply and the growth of renewables is constrained.

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Getting the attention of a Gen Z journalist

Gen Z

Growing up with the digital world at their fingertips, Gen Z has picked up some unique traits along with a fresh approach to journalism.

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Climate inaction will be judged harshly by our kids

Delays to climate action will leave both the worst impacts of climate change and the bill for carbon abatement to future generations.

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Integrating social and governance outcomes to build better communities

Housing development

In our rush to build homes across Perth suburbs, we can’t forget the social and governance factors that remain critical to building better communities.

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Social surrounds change could increase social licence risk

Social surrounds and social licence

Removing social surrounds from environmental assessments risks undermining stakeholder relationships and social licence for significant projects.

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Energy Transition and Community Consultation

Offshore wind

Government agencies and project proponents need to adapt their engagement strategies to bring communities on the energy transition.

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