ESG Voice

Sustainability thought leadership and case studies

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Under the Hood with ReGen's Libby Lyons

Libby Lyons

With a grandfather who was Australia’s Prime Minister and a grandmother who was Australia’s first female elected to the House of Representatives in the Federal Parliament, it was only natural for Libby to become a driving force for change.

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Perth’s declining rainfall and the urban heat island effect

Urban heat island

Is an urban heat island effect making the declining rainfall resulting from global warming even worse in Perth?

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Under the Hood with ReGen's Yvette Ogilvie

Yvette Ogivlie

Growing up in the Perth hills, @Yvette Ogilvie has embraced a sense of freedom for most of her life. But when COVID-19 hit, she found herself taking on a new challenge. Discover what drives Yvette in our ongoing series Under the Hood.

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Consequences of social media need our attention

Social media consequences

We don’t have to give social platforms unregulated access to young minds; or value free speech above truth, decency and democracy.

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Technology and education critical to combating forever skills shortage

Forever skills shortage

A forever global skills shortage means education and technology are critical to maintaining our international competitiveness and standard of living.

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A Future Made in Australia challenges liberal economic theory

A Future Made in Australia

Do our liberal economists want Australia to have sovereign capability throughout the clean energy value chain, or not?

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Preparation key to reactive media relations

Reactive media

A successful media relations strategy will always include preparation for reactive media opportunities. Click here for an expert opinion.

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Under the Hood with ReGen's Alette Nalder

Alette Nalder

Alette Nalder’s journey has seen her battle her mental health to rediscover her passions and understand how interconnected her choices are with people and our planet.

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Stakeholder engagement and reforms to the Equal Opportunity Act

Equal Opportunity Act reform

Broadening stakeholder engagement efforts and activating allies may assist in getting the Equal Opportunity Act reforms done.

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Under the Hood with ReGen's Nadene Cooke

Nadene Cooke

Nadene Cooke’s adventurous nature has taken her all over the world. From the London Metals Exchange to sailing across the Atlantic, Nadene now tries to instil a sense of adventure in her children.

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