ESG Voice

Sustainability thought leadership and case studies

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Boardrooms and c-suites must wakeup to greenwashing risks


The key to avoiding greenwashing is for companies to eliminate the gap between what they say and what they do, accepting that the requirement for sustainability disclosure and the scrutiny of the information disclosed will only grow.

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More women in mining can help narrow WA's gender pay gap

mining and the gender pay gap

Increased female participation in mining would give the industry access to a broader pool of human capital and help narrow WA’s gender pay gap, which remains the highest in Australia.

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Conspiracy theorists weaponised against climate action

If only proponents of the 15-minute city conspiracy theory realised how much they were arguing against their own interests.

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Fun approach to acknowledgements of Country sparks genuine change

Like a cover version of a hit song can help a classic reach a new audience, Acknowledge This! founders Rhys Paddick and Emma Gibbens are giving the acknowledgement of Country ‘script’ a facelift through workshops and presentations across the country.

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Big challenges, but big prizes on offer in hydrogen race

Murujuga rock art a global treasure

If you haven’t seen the World Heritage-nominated Murujuga rock art collection with your own eyes, do yourself a favour.

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Labelling ESG as woke misses the point

If people could move on from the decades-long culture wars, they would see ESG for what it is. A way of creating and protecting shareholder value, reducing inequality today and giving our kids some chance of having the quality of life we’ve taken for gran

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PM between a rock and a hard place on Voice detail

If the Prime Minister is light on detail, he plays into the hands of the no campaign. But, every bit of detail he releases widens the opportunity for dissent, which the no campaign will also capitalise on.

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Sustainability and ESG focus drives increasing trust in business

This year’s Edelman Trust Barometer provides a lot of encouragement for companies pursuing stronger environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards.

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Oil and gas decommissioning a big opportunity

Woodside’s struggles in fully removing old infrastructure from its offshore Enfield oil field, have reminded us of the risks and opportunities associated with the huge decommissioning task facing the industry.

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