Social impact needs corporate and government attention too

With some community issues becoming as obvious as the increasing frequency of extreme weather events, governments and corporates need to ensure we’re tackling social challenges as vigorously as we’re coming to address environmental issues.

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Timely mining approvals critical to energy transition

mining approvals

While Australia is finally moving in the right direction on climate, the speedy approval of new mining projects will be just as important to a successful energy transition. This is because clean energy technologies are more mineral intensive than their fo

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The ‘how’ just as important as the ‘why’ in sustainability

The companies that deliver the most positive environmental and social impacts will be those that combine a positive purpose with high environmental, social and governance (ESG) standards in execution.

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WA food supplier setting example for regenerative agriculture

As the saying goes, you are what you eat – and for most of humanity what we eat makes us significant carbon emitters. WA-based Dirty Clean Food is offering an alternative and setting an example for a better way to do essential groceries.

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Politicians need greenwashing scrutiny too

If corporate Australia is subject to regulatory scrutiny over the veracity of our net zero claims, shouldn’t our politicians be too?

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Inaugural IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards Expected by Q2 2023

The standards around sustainability disclosures are evolving rapidly and it can seem like every other day there’s some update or other. But ReGen Strategic’s Colin Davies explains why February 16 has set the landscape for sustainability disclosures for th

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Native forests critical to biodiversity and climate action


Given the importance of our native forests to biodiversity and storing carbon, industry needs to ask itself three questions when considering new activity that involves the clearing of native forest habitat. Is it really needed? Can it be done elsewhere?

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Future mining workforce critical to energy transition

A massive ramp-up in mining is needed to deliver the energy transition. But the industry won’t get the human capital or community acceptance it needs to do this, unless it effectively communicates its role in transition, while operating to high environmen

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Perth rides orange e-scooter wave into sustainable future

Is there anything Australians love more than their cars? E-scooter rental company Neuron Mobility is challenging that notion with a trial of an affordable, low-polluting alternative in Perth. There’s a long way to go, but the flashy orange e-scooters set

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Boardrooms and c-suites must wakeup to greenwashing risks


The key to avoiding greenwashing is for companies to eliminate the gap between what they say and what they do, accepting that the requirement for sustainability disclosure and the scrutiny of the information disclosed will only grow.

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