How to reach politicians in an election year

Our pollies will be inundated with great ideas and problems to solve in the lead up to March. Here are three tips to help you cut through.

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Shrinking media landscape requires innovative PR thinking

With Australia’s media landscape continuing to shrink, new approaches are needed for organisations who want their messages and stories to reach their target audiences.

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Trump’s ‘Hail Mary’ play for re-election

Donald Trump’s march across Lafayette Square to hold a Bible for a photo opportunity in front of St John’s Episcopal Church was a political ‘Hail Mary’ designed to get him back into the political game.

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Policy whirlwind necessitates strong government engagement

With government policy changing faster than at any time since the Whitlam Government, engaging with government has never been more important.

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Five top tips for a successful webcam media interview

Getting the most out of a media interview from home.

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WA skills review needs industry input

CGM director Daniel Smith explains why industry needs to engage with the State Government's skills review.

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Major development reform to boost WA economy

CGM director Anthony Fisk details the impact of the State Government's new planning laws on major developments.

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